Tag Archive for: Teaching

Meet Your New Teacher: The AI!
Education has been immensely affected by the on-going digitalisation of everything the COVID-19 pandemic leashed upon the world. In order to make sense of where the world of education is headed, it is first important to identify the trends that were already emerging before the pandemic hit.

Communicating with one, but yet many, languages
The concept of collapse of language learning has an alarming feel to it, but that might be unwarranted. Actually this a trend that might help us communicate better with each other, revolutionise education and finally allow us to understand each other across different cultures.

The Effectiveness of Co-Teaching
Co-teaching is not a new innovation. Traditionally, it is about two or more teachers teaching at the same time in the same physical space to a group of students.

Young Children Need to Move Often and Move Better!
By ensuring that your children move often and in variety of ways, (especially when they are young), you are giving them a priceless gift and a head start in life.

Beyond The Mask – The Philosophical Side of Returning to Onsite Learning
As we all know, the majority of the world’s school children have spent this spring in distance learning. Finnish schools were closed in mid-March, and students returned to onsite learning in mid-May.

This is Why You Deserve a Good Holiday This Summer!
Saying this spring has been tough on parents and school staff is an understatement to say the least. Here we give you five good reasons why you should enjoy a laid-back holiday this year.

Talented in Maths? – How to Keep Students Motivated?
Maths is often approached as a subject that is hard and boring to learn. This mindset seems to be much more tolerated with maths than many other school subjects.

Voice and Laughter – How to grow student engagement online
Student engagement poses new possibilities and challenges as we have moved to remote teaching and learning. Finnish education expert working in Abu Dhabi, Jaakko Skantsi discusses key learnings on student engagement during the Covid-19 era.

It’s All About the How
I am so used to educators in the Gulf region coming to talk to me at events saying how they admire the Finnish education system.