How Entrepreneurship Education Benefits Children?

Education has a problem: How to teach children skills that will be valuable in years to come? Skills that build up a foundation to prepare today’s children to make an impact on the world when they become adults. It is notoriously difficult to predict what the world will look like in years to come, and what skills are needed to build a career in 2050.

One thing we can assume will happen, is that artificial intelligence will continue taking over repetitive tasks. Second, globalization won’t take a hit, but it will adapt to co-exist with the growing trend of localization. This doesn’t mean that humans will have nothing to do, but in fact the opposite. There will be plenty of complicated problems that need to be solved by humans, as finally we will have the time and resources to tackle them. In short, future generations won’t be enjoying leisurely lifestyles but they will have many issues to solve!

 In the world of education this means that more of an emphasis must be put into critical thinking and social emotional skills that are a basis of intelligent problem solving: empathy, curiosity and imagination. All these skills are present in entrepreneurship education. In the future, we will need entrepreneurs who are ready to take action, can lead with empathy and will have a serious curiosity about the world around them.

Entrepreneurship camps for young people have been organized in many countries for a while now. In the Finnish city of Oulu, entrepreneurship education is part of the local curriculum for all school-aged children. This helps young people to have realistic views about being an entrepreneur but at the same time enables them to take the entrepreneurial route. Research has also confirmed that learning about entrepreneurship is beneficial for youngsters even when it does not lead to starting a business. With entrepreneurship education students learn better communication skills and develop problem-solving skills and also become better at facing obstacles. All these are qualities which will undoubtedly help them in years to come to live successful lives and create a better world.

Join Entrepreneurial Education – Practices and Experiences From Finland and the United Arab Emirates webinar on 11th of November at 4pm–5pm GST. In the webinar, Sanna Fingerroos, Regional Manager at Economy and Youth TAT and Pauliina Kanervo, Quality Manager at Educational and Cultural Services in City of Oulu, will be joining us from Finland. Karan Deep, Head of Innovation and Partnerships at GEMS Education, UAE will be offering a local perspective and discussing the need to embed an entrepreneurial mindset in the upcoming generation of problem solvers. Register here:


PINO Network exists to showcase the high-quality products and solutions for both educational content and infrastructure coming from Oulu region, Northern Finland. The services are offered by companies, schools as well as other organizations and by various consortiums with tailored offering. Find out more at