Better World Is Almost Here!
Striving for a better world means that we should include subjects like ethics and economics in the curriculum for all students. But most important is to be honest about the problems the world is facing.

When The New Normal Becomes Simply The Normal
When the coronavirus pandemic first hit, there was accelerated demand in remote trainings as Zoom, Teams and Google Meets were introduced to the mainstream.

Can You Bring Complete Education Systems from One Country And Adopt Them in Another?
Exporting education is about learning and customisation of good practises.

Coming Soon To a School Near You…
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are by no means a new thing. There has been talk about them for many years. But now, something that has seemed like it was far in the future is becoming a part of our daily life.

Meet Your New Teacher: The AI!
Education has been immensely affected by the on-going digitalisation of everything the COVID-19 pandemic leashed upon the world. In order to make sense of where the world of education is headed, it is first important to identify the trends that were already emerging before the pandemic hit.

3 Reasons Tech-Free Zones Will Become a Norm
Technology is fantastic and gives us so many opportunities. But to counterbalance the digitisation of everyday life, we might opt for time and zones that are specifically tech-free.

3 Reasons Why Corporate Training Must Change
Remote work is finally here. Now it is time to start doing corporate trainings remotely too and increase the engagement levels of participants.

Communicating with one, but yet many, languages
The concept of collapse of language learning has an alarming feel to it, but that might be unwarranted. Actually this a trend that might help us communicate better with each other, revolutionise education and finally allow us to understand each other across different cultures.

What Will the Future Hold for Education?
We are excited to announce our collaboration with Futures Platform and Futures.-podcast by Jeremy Williams.

This is Why You Deserve a Good Holiday This Summer!
Saying this spring has been tough on parents and school staff is an understatement to say the least. Here we give you five good reasons why you should enjoy a laid-back holiday this year.