3 Reasons Why Corporate Training Must Change

Drop-out levels need to decrease

Corporate training can be organized remotely or on-site. On-site training holds the benefit of mingling with others, but the actual content of the training is too often a set of power-points. Remote training has been organized with e-learning material and as webinars, which mainly mean that the power-points are checked and maybe some exercises are done remotely and digitally. The problem? Drop-out levels in these trainings are high, nearly 50%, because it is really hard to maintain sharp focus while attending training remotely.  This means many remote corporate training aren’t effective for professional development, team building and cost. The answer to the problem may lie in gamification, which increases engagement levels of participants in remote training.

Working from home is here to stay – finally! 

According to the New York Times, in 1989 a management guru Peter Drucker declared that commuting to office work is obsolete. This makes sense. Commuting to the office takes up a good slice of the worker’s day and many professionals feel that they are more productive at home than in the office. Even so, working from home hasn’t really taken off until we’ve been forced into it during this pandemic era. As the situation with the pandemic is prolonging, it is becoming more and more clear that the ways in which we work will change profoundly. – working from home being very much on top of the list in this “new normal”. This creates a totally new environment for corporate training, too.  Companies need to think outside the box on how to train employees remotely.

Technology makes it possible to enable the change

The idea of working remotely became a hot topic with the developments in telecommunications technology. Telephone, fax and internet have all been huge promoters of this – never mind the leaps digital technology has taken in recent years. We are finally in a situation where technology is ready for remote and corporate training. User-friendly conference call solutions have become very popular, but now we need to take one step further and really examine solutions that add value to learning. The success we have had in being able to keep society running with the help of digital technology during the coronavirus pandemic should be a great inspiration for us all and shows that we are ready for the change.

Seppo gamification tool can help you turn your corporate training into an engaging and mobile opportunity. Find out more information here https://www.educationhousefinland.com/educational-solutions/seppo-for-corporates.

Writer: Kati Melto