3 Reasons Tech-Free Zones Will Become a Norm

As much as we love technology, balance is the key to a happy life. To maintain this balance the  idea of tech-free zones has arisen and is quite exciting as these spaces could bring much needed counterbalance to more and more digitized every-day life.

We yearn for time and place – not multitasking

Technology enables us many things. But being constantly plugged in also means a sense of haste. That is because while technology allows us to multitask and move from task to task faster and faster, our brains cannot keep up with the speed. This can create anxiety and depression as our cognitive capacity is constantly surpassed – and ironically, over time this haste itself will have a negative effect on our memory, learning capacity and problem-solving skills. It is not a surprise that many people miss the time  where things had their appropriate time and place and the change seemed more manageable. Technology-free zones could give us the chance to escape from technology when need a pause.

 The pace at which we gain knowledge is faster than ever

Technology is a fantastic tool for learning and accumulating information. But these days, the renewal pace of knowledge is such that in one blink a hot new nonfiction piece has turned old news and you should already be onto the next one. But knowledge becomes worthwhile only when is it truly understood at a deeper level – and while we might get to know about things fast with the help of technology, true understanding demands a good chunk of uninterrupted time.

Digital detox is becoming more popular

While being readily available and constantly on-the-job was a highly respected way of working ten years ago for those who wanted a career, the opposite is gaining ground. Technology was originally thought to help in attaining a work-life-balance, but it has become clear that technology actually makes it very easy for work to occupy the space of life but not the other way around. The lines between working hours and personal time have become blurred. For this reason, many professionals opt for tech-free times, when they simply are not available and do not scroll their phones.

This blog is a collaboration with Education House Finland and Futures Platform.